The future of packaging: web, in-line, single pass
Live demonstration enthused the participants on the efficiency and outstanding look of single pass manufactured luxury packaging during DRUPA
Tuesday, June 26, 2016
During DRUPA 2016 Pantec GS Systems opened the doors at GEWA Etiketten, Germany for two times to demonstrate the single pass manufacturing of luxury packaging. International visitors of all kinds - printers, packaging designers and editors - joined the event.
“The future in packaging: web, in-line, single pass” was promised to be seen. And GEWA delivered evidence by performing two impressive jobs, both in single pass from the blank substrate to the die cut pack. The first job was a highly decorated chocolate pack with complex foil embossing and blind embossing. Even though the label press was not adapted for carton die cutting at this stage, a pharmaceutical job with an attractive security foil embossing was set up after completing the first job. The demonstration was performed on a narrow web Gallus press with an integrated Pantec RHINO™ flat bed hotfoil embossing system.

After the demonstration, participants had a lively discussion with Mr. Uwe Refflinghaus (Managing director of technology at GEWA) and the former printer and head of production, Mr. Oliver Jung (now GEWA Designer).
An essential outcome of the discussion was that in-line single pass operation is removing some of today’s cost limitations for packaging. The participants agreed that especially designers should know about the possibility of single pass manufacturing with the combination of printing (offset, flexo, screen printing) and high end refining (micro embossing, debossing, security features, die cutting), thus many of today’s limitations for designers would be cancelled.
Peter Frei, CEO at Pantec GS Systems, says the feedback of the participants was very encouraging: “The attendant printers confirmed, that at present cost wise impossible design proposals for brand owners will become possible now with in-line single pass processing with a powerful hotfoil embossing system like RHINO™.”
It was also interesting what wine label printers with seasonal jobs pointed out; they see potential to balance their business by the usage of the label press for highly decorated packaging jobs.
Finally the enthusiasm and somewhat pride of the GEWA team was visible when the audience applauded their great work.