3D holographic patches boost Pantec SWIFT™
Increasing market demand for eye-catching, registered foil effects requires an efficient application in-line. Pantec demonstrated registered stamping of a registered 3D effect patch at 70m/min combined with 95% foil saving pattern.
Brand owners have an everlasting interest for new features to make their products outstanding on the shelf, influencing the customers buying decision. Recently, 3D holographic patches are developing sharply. Brand owners get new options. Printers find Pantec SWIFT™ best suitable for efficient use in efficiency optimized production environments.

Registered patches require efficiency for mass application
Great marketing benefits of 3D holographic patches cannot be achieved with traditional off-line foil application methods. The cost per unit requires suitable inline stamping equipment.
Pantec in Switzerland focuses on such in-line systems in narrow web and wide web. SWIFT™ allows previously impossible foil designs inline at high speeds combined with registered hologram patches. Depending upon the design requirements, SWIFT™ can be equipped with up to six registered hologram foils combined with independent foil saving pattern. Typical example: At its insetting performance of amazing 20 holograms / sec, SWIFT™ places a total of more than 200’000 patches per hour with three labels across the web.
The high productivity is based on the unique vacuum foil motion system of SWIFT™. The system buffers the foil massless in a vacuum. No heavy masses are moving. Pantec’s technology has already become is highly successful in carton packaging. It enables very high speed and still very high precision with registered patch placing. Designers know about the unconscious magic of centrically placed holographic designs.
SWIFT™ works with movable vacuum walls, which allows changing the number of foil streams and width easily. The cassette change concept allows job preparation off-line and makes the set-up quick.
SWIFT™ - competitive advantage for label printers
For Pantec GS Systems CEO Peter Frei, SWIFT™ gives a competitive differentiation to label printers in the cosmetics and body care industries. "SWIFT™ makes label printers unique to brand owners. It is the best alternative for registered patches. It keeps foil logistic and waste handling simple. With patches and multiple foil patterns in the same system, it enables new creativity that differentiates with highly visible effects. ”
The Pantec foiling technology simplifies logistics and reduces costs. With a single generic type of registered foil all SKU sizes may be produced with SWIFT™. Design specific patch repeats are not required as SWIFTTM moves and places each foil patch individually. SWIFT™ uses 100% of the foil in a single pass. No stock management for partially used waste is required. Another benefit is the powerful saving on foil. SWIFT™ demonstrated a saving of 95% compared to a normal cold foil application. The saving adds a significant plus to profitability.
SWIFT™ simplifies multiple foil applications which offers new opportunities
Often labels designer emphasize different portions on a label with the same shiny foil. Now registered patches are added in addition. Normally, multiple foil applicators are required, which brings in higher complexity into the line.
SWIFT™ applies different effect foil streams and registered patches all in one module. Frei adds: “SWIFT™ offers brand owners and printers new creative space for customer attraction without adding substantial cost, nor complexity of multiple modules. SWIFT™ is designed for multiple effects, registered or non-registered. It enables the industrial application of creative innovation.“

3D spatial patches are a rising embellishment technology which require efficient production systems like Pantec SWIFT™ for economic mass application
Impressive live demonstration at LABELEXPO
With the sample of an eye catching beauty care label Pantec demonstrated the performance of SWIFT™ live at LABELEXPO. A registered 3D spatial patch was applied in combination with a typical beauty care styled hot foil pattern, where SWIFT™ demonstrated a 95% foil saving compared to a typical cold foil application – all at an in-line web speed of 70m/min.