
Furongwang GoldRoc - Folding carton enhanced with single image

The refinement of cigarette packs plays a prominent role in those countries where ‚plain packaging‘ is not an issue. Embellished packaging not only reflects the value of the product, but also helps to improve brand loyalty. In addition, a single image can be used to achieve a special visual effect alongside protection against counterfeiting.

Design features


Efficient and precise application using the hot foil process

With cold foil systems, the distance between the individual images on the dispenser roll corresponds to the distance between the blanks on the layout. This requires a specific foil for each repeat length and results in high waste.

CHEETAH allows the usage of one generic foil for all repeats. You can position the individual images as you wish and make optimum use of the hot stamping foil.

If a very precise placement of the single images is required, then an individual single image placement is a must anyway. CHEETAH places each image individually with a separate servo drive for each single image foil lane.


Offline Production with CHEETAH® W 850

Foil: Leonhard Kurz

Tools: Hinderer + Mühlich

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